Tuesday 6 September 2011

Win two tikets to see re-release of Terrence Malick's classic "Days of Heaven" at BFI

Terrence Malick's 'Days of Heaven' re-release features as part of a Terrence Malick season at the BFI Southbank, which will be running through September and October.

'Days of Heaven'

Widely recognised as a pinnacle of the golden age of 70s Hollywood filmmaking, Terrence Malick's foray into American pastoral has now been digitally restored, the subtle pictorial alterations supervised by the writer-director himself.

In 1916, after trouble at work, Bill (Richard Gere) leaves Chicago for Texas, together with girlfriend Abby (Brooke Adams) and his sister Linda (Linda Manz). Passing as siblings in order to find work, the lovers keep up the pretence when it becomes clear the shy farmer they work for (Sam Shepard) - rumoured to be dying, with no one to inherit his fortune - has fallen for Abby. Famously encouraging cinematographers Nestor Almendros and Haskell Wexler to shoot during the crepuscular 'magic hour', Malick created a rapturous, visually sublime meditation on American history and myth that is at once lyrical, epic and resonant in its tantalising echoes of the Bible. The pervasive sense of profoundly beguiling mystery is further enhanced by Ennio Morricone's magnificent score and Linda's inarticulate yet strangely expressive, even wise narration. A masterpiece.

Days of Heaven runs until 30th September, and do win two tickets to go see it on any date, simply find us on facebook and message us the answer to this: What is Terrence Malick's latest release as director and stars Brad Pitt?

Check details for Days of Heaven, considered one of the most beautiful films ever made (The Guardian) here.

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