Monday 31 May 2010

Superhero status in our reality.....

Check this out! Jordan Wilcox, one of our favourite up n comin Free runners sent us some pics of his latest stunts out and about his hometown of Cheltenham
At 17 he's well on his way to becoming a champion of his sport, entering regular competitions around the country. We think his style of PHAT!
So what is Freerunning?
Freerunning is a sport which is completed by performing many different movements to get through, under and over obstacles that surround you. They could be walls, drops, bars, rails and virtually anything. And in the last few years it has been brought to the media in many different ways such as adverts, movies, websites, Local media and much more.
Jordan explains how he got into it:
I got into this sport about 5 and a half years ago now when I was about 12. Always as a kid I would jump around the school climbing frames and over bars in local parks and so on but I never knew there was a name for it until I heard the name "Freerunning" and saw how people were throwing themselves in mid air and landing back to their feet on youtube. In the past 5 years I have made many life achievements. One of the achievements I am really proud of is my sponsorships and work i have received from companies. My Main Sponsor is with
Urban Species and I'm proud of that. I train in many places and travel as much as possible going to jams around like London, Bristol or Wales. Freerunning is also very social and can also be used to meet friends and have fun as well as train hard.
More images will be uploaded on our website soon. For video footage I recommend this!


Anonymous said...

Jordan Wilcox is nowhere near a champion of his sport. You quoted that he is "entering regular competitions around the country". This is a complete lie. The only official freerunning competitions to ever be held are the Redbull Art of Motion events and the Barclaycard World Freerunning Championships in 2008 and 2009. Jordan has NOT competed in any of these.

Just putting the facts out there.

Urban Species said...

Jordan is young and yes I do think he'll be a champion of his sport - this is a blog hun which means I write what I like! and he IS entering competitions regularly, just cos its not the OFFICIAL world freerunning championships - doesn't mean there aren't competitions going on around the country.....

Anonymous said...

Jord I've been looking for your stickers around town but I haven't been able to find them