Saturday 11 June 2011

Green Lantern Film Preview + T-Shirt Competition

It's a bold logo that belongs to the Green Lantern. The logo doesn't belong to a person per-say. Well... YOU could become the Green Lantern. All you need is a Power Lantern. And a Power Ring. These majestic instruments allow a control of the physical realms through powers of force-field generation, flight towards the speed of light, invisibility cloaking, teleportation and even time travel, amongst many others. All of this only if you are deemed worthy enough (you need strength, wits, will-power, imagination) by the Guardians of the Universe to join the galactic police force that is the Green Lantern Corps.

How about a T-shirt in the meantime?

The Green Lantern movie is released on the 17th of June and features a stellar cast including Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively (yeah, the blonde from Gossip Girl) and Mark Strong.

To win ANY Green Lantern T-shirt from the Urban Species collection: simply answer "Which Superhero group that also includes Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman is Green Lantern Hal Jordan a founding member of?" Message us the answer on our Facebook page and leave us an email address for us to get back at you if you win.

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